Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cats In Sinks

kitten in sinkWe do not understand or appreciate your fascination with our adoration of the sink portion of the household. The reasons for our adoration are obvious, are they not? The sink is cooler than most places in the house. The coolness from the sink surrounds us as no other coolness can surround us. If there was a sink in nature, that would be one less reason for us to come home at night. But there isn't. So here we are. In the sink. And there you go. Taking our picture again. For publication, we hope. Or perhaps this year's Christmas card?

—Swiper the Cat

Cats In Sinks

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Cats In Sinks

kitten in sinkWe do not understand or appreciate your fascination with our adoration of the sink portion of the household. The reasons for our adoration are obvious, are they not? The sink is cooler than most places in the house. The coolness from the sink surrounds us as no other coolness can surround us. If there was a sink in nature, that would be one less reason for us to come home at night. But there isn't. So here we are. In the sink. And there you go. Taking our picture again. For publication, we hope. Or perhaps this year's Christmas card?

—Swiper the Cat

Cats In Sinks

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Friday, August 26, 2005

Catnip as a Cash Crop

catWe definitely approve of growing great quantities of Catnip (though we are not quite certain why), but we would just as soon you not consume or brew or otherwise waste it:
Catnip as a Cash Crop:Most people are well aware of the fact that cats are fascinated by catnip. It seems the little animals can't resist the lure of Nepeta cataria's essential oils, which are said to be similar in scent to the chemicals a female feline gives off during her mating period.

Lesser known, however, is the fact that the plant's dried leaves and flowers make a tasty herb tea, and-when brewed a bit stronger-the beverage becomes a potent medicinal concoction for the treatment of common colds, menstrual pains, baby colic, flatulence, flu, tension headaches, nervousness, and insomnia.

On our Florida farm, we grow the attractive herb for all those reasons, but-primarily-our catnip patch is a 20-acre cash crop . . . that adds thousands of dollars to our income!
Helps with flatulence, you say? Okay. Drink up, everyone.

—Swiper the Cat

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Elvis the Robo-Cat

1138247592524448Though we are not willing to lose our ability to walk to do so, we envy Elvis the robocat's set of wheels anyway (quicktime video in the link). There are times, you know, when it is simply not convenient for us to get up from where we are, to move about the house, to move about the garage (it appears Elvis's movements may be confined to the garage... but we do not see why we could not use the robo-devide in our home so long as we don't get snagged on the carpet).

One further advantage of the set of wheels would surely be that both dogs would live in fear of such a device, and would bound upstairs to hide under the bed at the site of it.

Still not worth losing the use of our legs, but maybe if His Nibs is able to sell enough books he will be able to afford one for us regardless of our abilities.

—Swiper the Tabbycat

Update: We have just discovered that this was not a real news item and was an item from television... a hoax... from Comedy Central... we are not amused.


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Monday, August 15, 2005

Some of Us Prefer Silence

Questions / Answers:
The Brandon Sun: Online Edition: Q: I’ve owned cats all my life, but Ralph is the only one I’ve had that doesn’t purr. Believe me, Ralph is spoiled and has plenty to purr about. I’ve been trying to teach him to purr, but he just looks at me like I’m stupid. Why won’t he purr?
If you don't hear anything, it may be you are not listening.

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Darn It

My wordpress blog ate itself. So I'm squaring back to scratch one with the old-fashioned blogger blog. Hopefully it will stay out of the trash.
