Monday, January 09, 2006

Cy the Cyclops (Cyclopes?) Kitten

cyclops kitty
So, a kitten born with one eye, and the photo looks so very photoshopped, but here it is in Yahoo! news:
Yahoo! News Photo: Cy, short for Cyclopes, a kitten born with only one eye and no nose, is shown in this photo provided by its owner in Redmond, Oregon, on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005.
I'm wondering if we're being tricked, but for now I'm going to assume that there was such a kitty, and hope that its short (one day) existence in this world was not painful.

And if it's faked, then I hope the faker does not pass go nor collect two hundred dollars.

And I'm sorry I even have to question the legitimacy of a photograph. It makes me darned angry.

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Anonymous said...

It's not a fake. Human beings are born, rarely thank goodness, with this birth defect as well. Check out cyclopia

generic cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites

Anonymous said...

Poor kitty :( he's so cute I want him for a pet but he died rest in peace little kitty