Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I Believe in trap/neuter/return / Wildrun Blog

Can people (you) owe it to themselves to visit the wildrun blog (it's about wild cats, you know):
wildrun: I believe...: I believe in trap/neuter/return. However, I come from a traditional animal control background, as well as wildlife control, and there is a stubborn part of me that is a skeptic. I believe that TNR works if it is managed aggressively...but really, how many people do it right?If you don't get every cat, and for some reason the caretaker walks away, all it takes is one unfixed cat, and it's all going to go right down the tube, drowned in new kittens.But consistently, colonies come along that prove the skeptic in me wrong.
A lovely thing. And full of cat photos. And lovingly handled cats.


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