Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cat in a box that fits him just right. He loves this box very much :) » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

Cat in a box that fits him just right. He loves this box very much :)
RosePhotosEtc.  « Looks like a nice and lazy day today, LOL!! »

It is well known that we generally order from because they almost always send a cat bed along with whatever it is we order. And the cat beds they send are very often the perfect size for us. Lovely.

pink & soft » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

pink & soft
mo ba ca na.  «  »

No photos, please.

Little Skittle

Little Skittle
Kimberly in Jersey.  « is she singing? »

Would somebody be so kind as to push our mouth shut a bit? We seem to be stuck.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Naboo and Bollo » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

catnipmusic's description at flickr (if there is one) » Our gorgeous new kittens, Naboo and Bollo, curling up together on the sofa. Naboo is the ginger one and Bollo is his tabby sister.

We collected them on Sunday, they are about 8 weeks old.

If you're wondering where the names come from, they are characters from our fave TV show The Mighty Boosh

Sorry, couldn't resist a bit of kitten nepotism, so of course we've posted them on our blog at the kitten channel!

Terry says » No matter how long you think you've been here, we were here first.

Pika nests in hot dry laundry » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

_alia's description at flickr (if there is one) » 

Terry says » There is a heat source somewhere in this pile of laundry. We do not care what the heat source is. We are merely satisfied that it has been created expressly for us.

Monday, June 26, 2006

» from the We Are the Cat photo pool

violeteyes's description at flickr (if there is one) » 

Terry says » We believe that to get the true picture, you sometimes have to look at the world from a different point of view.


éricats's description at flickr (if there is one) » z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z

Terry says » We are aware of our tongue being exposed during sleep. But do you not know how sensitive our tongue is? It will be the first to know when danger approaches. Or chickadees. And water buffalo.

from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

LookoutRach's description at flickr (if there is one) » small baby, big head, long tail.

Terry says » 

Ash from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

by Gini~.
Gini~'s description at flickr (if there is one) » Ash is available for adoption in Northern Virginia, USA, through HART.

Terry says » 

Charlie from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Gini~'s description at flickr (if there is one) » Charlie is available for adoption in Northern Virginia, USA, through HART.

Terry says » 

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Looking for owner » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

Alexei Kholodov's description at flickr (if there is one) » This little kitty was found in the street by my mother, and now we are trying to find home for her.

Terry says » We will place. We will have a home. We will have a family.

Will it be you?

Helping With The Housework » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

delibelli's description at flickr (if there is one) » Norman The Cat is a dab hand at hanging the washing out.

Terry says » The trouble with this spot of shade is that it never seems to stay put long enough for us to have a proper nap. We sometimes wonder if the shade itself is avoiding us, and moves away while we sleep.

He found it, after an exhausting search, LOL! » » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

RosePhotosEtc's description at flickr (if there is one) » 

Terry says » We will be taking our Summer vacation right here, thank you very much.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Jack on a window sill » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

ataritron's description at flickr (if there is one) » One of the first picutres I took with my girlfriend's new camera.

Terry says » We have found this place. It is ours. And you dare to inturrupt us? How rude.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

sleeping » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

Jiobbe's description at flickr (if there is one) » 

Terry says » We understand that this should not be a comfortable position in which to sleep. But we also know that people who believe this should not be a comfortable position in which to sleep are not practitioners of the art of sleep so much as they sleep by necessity. We do not sleep by necessity. We sleep as sleep was intended to be sleep. Watch and learn.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Black and White Mojo » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

bigbird3's description at flickr (if there is one) » 

Terry says » We. Are. So. Very. Tired. You know?

How High Can You Jump? » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

shesnuckinfuts's description at flickr (if there is one) » Digger was chasing the laser pointer around and jumped more than half-way up the wall trying to catch it! He's so funny when he gets all wound up like that!

Terry says » Got it! Got it! We've got it. No, we've got it. There it is. We'll get it. There. Over there. Where'd it go? Over there. No, there. Up there! Okay. No problem. Right up there. Where? Oh. Oh there. We'll get it. In a second. There. Now there.

What is that thing? Can we eat it?