Thursday, August 31, 2006

Angel Moxie » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Angel Moxie
32241299@N00adptus · « A young calico best suited for a house with no children. Use caution, she tends to nip and scratch without warning. Loves to be held and to play!
She can be found at Animal Rescue and Adoption Society in Denver, Colorado
 » · , , , , ,


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Adoptable Cat "Misty" » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Adoptable Cat "Misty"
22285503@N00Terry Bain · «

"I am approx 1 year old and was found in a box with my tiny kittens near the freeway in Greenacres. I am a quiet young lady with a quiet voice who had a rough start in life. However, I can be very expressive when I need to communicate, especially when it is mealtime! I can be very playful and then the next minute very laid back. I am looking for that forever home where I can be appreciated for who I am. If interested please call our adoption center at 509 893-9829 or Carol at 509 456-3784."
 » · , , , , ,


That Cat Won't Flush

Or will he?

That Cat Won't Flush
Wallace O. Chariton

Meet Gizmo, the toilet-flushing-obsessed cat.

What if your cat wouldn't stop flushing the toilet?

Exhibit A for your learning pleasure.

My favorite part is about half-way through when the woman says "I think we have a problem."

However, if this cat lived in a house with kids and/or teenagers, it might actually save them getting yelled at three or four times a day... "how many times do I have to tell you to flush the damn toilet!"


And blessings. And thanks.

Day Two » We Are the Cat: Life Through the Eyes of the Royal Feline

It's day two of the cat book. So I'll put out a post here on the cat site. Because why wouldn't I?


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Cats in the Hood

Cats in the Hood
22285503@N00Terry Bain · « Feral cats from around the way.

Terry » bainbooks » connect
» cat book | cat-a-log » dog book | dog-a-log
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00One more picture of two more cats.

If you don't know what "feral" means, I suggest you look it up, because you never know when you're going to need such a fancy word: feral.


22285503@N00Terry Bain · « Feral cats from around the way.

Terry » bainbooks » connect
» cat book | cat-a-log » dog book | dog-a-log
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00Another of the ferals.

Hood Cat

Hood Cat
22285503@N00Terry Bain · « Feral cats from around the way.

Terry » bainbooks » connect
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 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00Some neighborhood "feral" cats, though not particularly friendly, were quite fearless (of me, at least). Perhaps I had the "I'm not out to hurt you" look about me. At least I hope I did.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cats Eating Grass

Looking for a cat that doesn't eat the grass?

Well, you could get one from Plow and Hearth.
Garden Cats - Garden Accent from Plow & Hearth
Or you could keep your cat inside.

Or you could simply not worry about it. I mean, how much could your cat possibly eat?

Of course, the chances of them urping it up at the bottom of the stairs are very high, but it may simply not matter to you.

It doesn't matter to me. But I'm curious, what do you say to your kitty when she/he eats grass? Come on, I know you talk to your cats.

I say, "what on earth are you eating that for?" She usually doesn't even look in my direction.

This is very often her response. For many many things.


Snowdrop 7-ish yrs » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Snowdrop 7-ish yrs
32241299@N00adptus · « She's a little shy and has beautiful blue eyes. » · , , , , ,


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Smidgen » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

32241299@N00adptus · « Smidgen is a short hair black and white 1-1 1/2 year old neutered male who transferred to ARAS from another shelter where a kind vet decided to treat his terribly burned feet and legs instead of putting him to sleep immediately. His fur has grown back over the burned areas, and save for a couple of deformed claws, he's back to normal. He loves to be petted and held, and spends most of his time sleeping in one of the condos. » · , , , , ,


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hola Gato

Hola Gato
22285503@N00Terry Bain · « I see you in there.

Easier to see, by the way, like this: 'Hola Gato' On Black

Terry » bainbooks » connect
» cat book | cat-a-log » dog book | dog-a-log
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00See her?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Romea » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

22285503@N00Love. Sleep. Sleep. Us. Cat. Love. Sleep. Stretch.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Rafa - Para adopção » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Rafa - Para adopção
43973904@N00selenis · « O Rafa é um velhote que vivia na rua, alimentado por alguém que se compadecia da sua sina. Foi recolhido e submetido a observação médica.

Foi diagnosticado com FIV. Para já, o vírus parece estar inactivo. Este velhote tem menos um dente, tem uma orelha rasgada e a língua sempre de fora. Mas também sabe ainda brincar, trepar, comer sozinho, limpar-se sem ajuda e fazer as necessidades no sítio certo.

No fundo, o Rafa precisa de uma casa onde seja bem recebido, de braços abertos, em que não haja outros amigos de quatro patas de quem tenha medo, onde o deixem gozar a tranquilidade e a serenidade de um lar nos últimos anos da sua vida.

Porque oferecer um canto ao Rafa?
Porque não devem ser nem a idade, nem a cor, nem a doença factores que o impeçam.
Porque ser FIV+ não o impede de ser feliz ainda, nem impede outros de serem felizes, se as condições adequadas forem providenciadas.
Porque apesar da sua fragilidade, o Rafa consegue retribuir a confiança com um ronronar, uma marradinha, um «amassar» que nos emocionam.

Porque tem direito a viver até que a sua dor e o seu sofrimento o vençam.

A curto prazo, o Rafa precisa urgentemente de alguém que possa recebê-lo naquelas condições, ainda que temporariamente, pois onde está não pode ficar mais tempo.

Se quer ajudar o Rafa e dar-lhe aquilo de que ele precisa, contacte:
O Rafa está em Coimbra, mas pode arranjar-se boleia para outros sítios.
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00flickr tags: , , , , , , , , ,

O Charlie what have u done?!! » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

O Charlie what have u done?!!
67445810@N00VanesKa tHOmz · « While I'm busy planning for my new home, Charlie's decided to do some Home Improvement of his own.

Apparently, his favorite place underneath the sofa doesn't do it for him anymore. Now he's torn up the bottom fabric to make himself a shabby little hammock Inside the sofa.

Dun even get me started on the cat hair .... the felt fabric has officially become fur :-|
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00We are going nowhere. This place is ours forever.


Lua and Ling » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

Lua and Ling
43746012@N00_Xti_ · « Lua and Ling like to sleep in the same box... » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00We are not stuck this way.

We are not.

We can get out at any time.

Any time we like.

But we like it this way.

Yes. We do.

Lua and Ling » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

Lua and Ling
43746012@N00_Xti_ · « Lua and Ling like to sleep in the same box... » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00We are not stuck this way.

We are not.

We can get out at any time.

Any time we like.

But we like it this way.

Yes. We do.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Catbox » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

37996600126@N01SuziJane · « This box was on the floor maybe 30 seconds before Data claimed it. She was 6 months old here.

[I just found some old folders of photos I'd pulled off the Fuji last October and forgotten about!]
 » · , , , , ,

22285503@N00A perfect. Now. Where is the comforter and the pillow full of catnip?

Tivoli - Adopção Urgente » from the Adoptable Pets photo pool

Tivoli - Adopção Urgente
43973904@N00selenis · « Olá!!!!

O meu nome é Tivoli (sim, sou um gato 5 estrelas, mas não é por isso que me chamam assim) “apareci” junto deste hotel em Sintra, mas como a minha linguagem é diferente da dos humanos, não consigo dizer qual foi o meu passado, mas possivelmente foi feliz…

Sim, possivelmente…

Possivelmente pertencia a alguém idoso que “partiu” e a família achou que eu não era um “bem de valor”.
Possivelmente fui abandonado porque estava doente, muito doente.
Possivelmente fugi e perdi-me, depois adoeci e não consegui voltar.

Possivelmente teria morrido se alguém muito bondoso não tivesse reparado em mim.
Possivelmente tu que estás a ler esta mensagem és aquele de quem estou á espera.

Turras, ronrons, patinhas e fidelidade total
Tivoli de Cintra”

(O Tivoli foi resgatado no dia 30 de Junho de 2006 e estava a horas de partir para “aquele lugar de onde não se volta”, foi um trabalho de equipa que envolveu muitas pessoas que acreditaram que era possível salvá-lo.
Houve uma de nós que o viu e passadas 72 horas reparou que ele continuava exactamente no mesmo sitio ao sol em pleno calor e deu o alerta e mais duas de nós foram resgatá-lo, o seu estado era de tal maneira grave que os parasitas já estavam todos em cima dele á espera da sua morte… não tinha força para miar e cambaleava ao andar. Foi para o veterinário onde lutou pela vida sabendo que valia a pena porque tinha um enorme grupo a torcer por ele… Ficou internado numa clínica onde arranjou amigos e amigas entre pessoas e animais porque ele é um doce.

È FIV mas está controlado e já fez destartarização aos dentes, está esterilizado, desparasitado interna e externamente e prontíssimo para a sua nova vida… Neste momento está só á espera de uma família e…


 » · , , , , ,


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

shhh.......gary » from the We Are the Cat photo pool

22285503@N00Do not come one step closer. We were here first. And we are not moving. An inch.
